Coming up on #RWChat… May 29th: Why write romance?

Why did you choose this genre we all love so much? What brought you to romance? When did it become your go to genre and why? What does it mean to write about romance in our current culture and how do we talk about it to non-writers and readers?

Bring your stories on what writing about love means to you!

See you at 4pm PST/ 7pm EST


Coming up on #RWChat… May 22nd: FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

FOMO – it’s not a swear – though the frustration it causes may make us swear. The Fear Of Missing Out is a very real, very detrimental state of depression, caused by everyone seeming to have more success than you. Especially living on social media, it can be devastating to a writer’s morale in this business that involves so much rejection.

Join us with your questions and your fears – see you tonight at 4pm PST/ 7pm EST!

Coming Up on #RWchat…May 8th: Ambiance

Next week on RWchat we’ll discuss how to infuse ambiance and atmosphere into our writing – especially in love scenes. We’ll talk about tone, language, and pacing, and how to write love scenes that capture mood and still advance the story.

Join us on Sunday at 7pmEST/4pmPST on the #RWchat hashtag.

And make sure to join our newsletter to receive a reminder email straight to your inbox!