Coming Jan. 1st… 2017 Goals

RWchat 1-1-17 (1).pngIt’s a brand new year! Let’s welcome 2017 by setting some goals for our writing, and let’s see how S.M.A.R.T. we can make them. Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely goals can help keep us accountable to our goals.

Come join us and discuss our goals for the year together. See you at 7pm EST / 4pm PST.

~Robin Lovett

Graphic by Alexis Daria

Coming Dec. 18th… A Year In Review

rwchat-12-18-16It’s been a year, 2016. And it’s almost over.

It’s the time of year to reflect back on how it’s been. Trying to be as objective as possible – with as little judgement as we can manage – what did we achieve and how did we achieve it? What brave endeavors did try that went well? What ones did we try that did not go well? And which opportunities passed us by that we wish we’d taken and run with?

Join us to chat about it, Sunday 4pm PST/ 7pm EST!

~Robin Lovett

Image by Alexis Daria.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall: Finding Your Readership by Finding Your Own Voice

Our guest post today on Finding Your Ideal Reader is from the always fabulous LaQuette.

Finding your readership is essential to every author’s career.  It doesn’t matter how talented or skilled a writer is, if there’s no one to read it, both the author and the work will fall off into obscurity.

How does an author find their audience?  Simple, by being true to one’s own voice.  Think of your readers as friends you share very specific interests with.  When you hang out with friends to go paintballing, or running, or quilting, it’s because that person(s) thinks you’re interesting enough to spend time with, and you share a common pursuit or perspective.

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Coming Dec. 11th…Finding Your Ideal Reader


  Image by Alexis Daria

Finding out who is the ideal person to read your books is key to selling them. Where your ideal reader hangs out on social media and learning the best ways to attract and engage them is complicated and endless.

Join us to learn what things others have tried – the successes and failures alike – next Sunday Dec. 11th 7pm EST / 4pm PST!

~Robin Lovett