Coming March 4th… Facebook Marketing

RWchat topic facebook marketing march 4th

For March 2018, we’re doing Social Media Marketing Month. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Goodreads… to name a few. We’ll be chatting about each on RWchat in the coming weeks.

Facebook is an ever-changing beast. Just when you think you’ve figured out how to get engagement, they change the algorithm and everything falls into chaos. But lots of authors have great success with sales and have a significant fan base on Facebook. Tell us about your experiences with the social media giant. Is there any way for us to be authors and sell books without it?

Join us Sunday 7pm ET / 4pm PT.

Guest Post: Consent Is Key In Romance

Tamsen Parker took on the tough topic of consent in romance, as per our chat this Sunday, and she makes some great points for us to think about.

Consent has become a bigger part of the romance conversation than ever before, and it’s a conversation that is essential to have. We don’t live in the era of the bodice ripper anymore when I’d argue that women were demonstrating agency by writing stories in which they could still obtain sexual pleasure without receiving society’s censure for acting “unladylike,” or for, heaven forbid, admitting that they wanted sex. We don’t have to do that anymore. Which raises the question: what is our responsibility in regards to consent in the romances we pen?

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Coming Feb. 25th… Consent

It’s Flirty February! Join us for a whole month devoted to romance-specific chat topics.

Romance Writer chat topic February 25 Consent

The role of consent in society and romance is an ever-evolving conversation. The genre’s “bodice ripper” reputation is a throwback to when leading ladies weren’t allowed to want sex without coercion, but many authors and readers have moved on to more sex-positive narratives. This Sunday February 25th, we’ll talk about what consenting relationships look like (even if you like them rough and/or dark), as well as the past, present, and future of consent in Romance.

Love Scenes Guest Post: Don’t Speak

sexy couple drinking wineIt’s Flirty February! This week on #RWchat, we’re talking about love scenes! Regular participant LaQuette (author of the Queens of Kings series) is known for writing extra hot love scenes, so we asked her to handle this week’s guest post. Take it away, LaQuette!

I love romance novels. To my way of thinking, that should be a given since I write them for a living. I love the excitement of experiencing the couple’s journey to love. I love knowing I’m going to get a happy ending when it’s finished. And yes, I even love all of the sizzling parts that make me put down my reading device and fan myself because the chemistry and/or love scene is so hot (if you’re not having this experience while reading a romance novel you are missing out on everything that is good in life).

Now that you know I love romance novels, you should also know there is one thing that irks my reader’s brain while reading one. The one thing that will make me roll my eyes, and snatch me out of the reading experience quicker than anything else is too much dialogue during a sex scene.

For the love of all things holy, please, just NO!!

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Coming Feb. 18th… Love Scenes

It’s Flirty February! Join us for a whole month devoted to romance-specific chat topics.

Romance Writer chat topic February 18 Love Scenes

Writing love scenes is hard (hehe). Sometimes it’s hot and heavy, sometimes it’s slow and sweet, sometimes it’s something in between that’s difficult to define. Better yet is when they break the boundaries of the physical intimacy we’ve read before with something unique and new. But no matter what, love scenes have to play a part in the plot and the development of the characters. How do you write meaningful love scenes amidst all the “skip to the good part” pressure? Join us Sunday 4pm PT / 7pm ET.


Coming Feb. 11th… Kissing

It’s Flirty February! Join us for a whole month devoted to romance-specific chat topics.

Romance Writer chat topic February 11 Kissing

First kisses. Last kisses. Soft and sweet. Grab you by the hair and ruin your life (in the best way). No matter what heat level you write, there’s a lot riding on the kiss. In fairytales, true love’s kiss is magic, but that’s a lot of pressure on the page. How do you live up to the kissing hype and do it justice for your readers and your characters? Let’s talk about all the ins and outs of locking lips on Sunday, February 11th.