Coming in July… Romance Subgenres

We’re devoting the month of July to chatting about the myriad of subgenres in the romance genre. We don’t have enough weeks for all of them, but here are the ones we’re going to chat about this month:

July 1st Paranormal

July 8th Contemporary

July 15th Suspense

July 22st Historical

July 29th Science Fiction & Fantasy

Come let us know about your experiences writing different subgenres, whether you’ve written in that subgenre, have thought about writing in that subgenre or would never write in that subgenre ever… join us Sundays at 4pm PST/ 7pm EST.

Coming June 10th… Feedback & Critique

Goodreads. Amazon. Twitter. Your aunt Linda while passing the potato salad at Thanksgiving. Once your book is out there, people are going to tell you what they think about it. Sometimes it’s soaring praise that gives you a special glow all day/week. Sometimes it’s soul crushing criticism that makes you question if you should even be doing this. Sometimes it’s uninformed bullshit that makes you want to fire back with a storm of facts (probably don’t do that).

Learning how to receive feedback and critique graciously, and how to corral the feelings associated to their proper place, is a necessity for a career in publishing. Join us on Sunday, June 10th at 4pm PT | 7pm ET to discuss how we handle it, and how we could handle it better.

Coming May 20th. . . Pull Quotes & Excerpts

romance writers chat topic pull quotes and excerpts

May is Marketing Month, and we’re chatting all kinds of promo. This week it’s how to quote your book!

Readers love getting hints, little carrots of quotes to lure them into reading a book. Whether it’s the sneak peek of a full chapter, the short snippets in memes, or the sexy moments to heat up the anticipation, finding the right words to ensnare a reader out of context is important but sometimes difficult. How do you pick your quotes and excerpts for promoting your books? What’s your strategy for using them for promotion? Join us with your comments and your questions on Sunday, May 20th, 4pm PST/ 7pm EST.


Coming April 22nd . . . Show and Tell

RWchat 4-22-18

“Show Don’t Tell.” We’ve heard it from the time we first start writing–show what’s happening in the story, don’t just tell the reader. But there’s a balance. Sometimes it’s appropriate to “tell” sometimes it’s best to “show.” How do you decide which one technique to use? What has your relationship been with this touted of writing rules? Do you follow it, have you ever followed it?

Join us on Sunday to chat about it #rwchat 4pm EST / 7pm PST.  

Coming April 1st… Favorite Things

romance writers chat topic favorite things

Cinnamon roll heroes and page sizzling sex.

Trope-busting heroines and “who’s pairing up next?”

Handsome, kind strangers who are secretly kings.

These are a few of our Favorite Things!

Julie Andrews Favorite Things

…That’s all the rhyming I’ve got in me, but you get the idea. We’re shaking off Marketing March with a light hearted topic about everything we love about the romance genre. Come talk about all the favorite things that make you swoon on #RWChat, Sunday, April 1st at 7pm ET | 4pm PT.

Coming March 25th… Goodreads

RWchat 3-25-18

March is Social Media Marketing Month on #RWchat, and we’re focusing on the platforms widely used for book marketing.

Goodreads is the reader hangout, and a jungle all on its own. From its brutally honest reviews to its yearly reading challenges to its never ending To-Be-Read lists, it serves as a hub for reader hangout. But for authors it can be a tread-lightly-dangerous ground. Or is it? Come chat with us about how you use Goodreads as a writer for promo and as a reader for discovering books, Sunday 4pm PT / 7pm ET on #RWChat

Coming March 18th… Instagram

romance writers chat topic march 18th instagram and snapchatWe’re continuing Social Media Marketing Month this Sunday with Instagram!

Scrolling through Instagram can be the ultimate time waster with the emphasis solely on the visual senses. It’s not the marketing heavy giant of Facebook and Twitter, but many writers say it’s on it’s way, and it’s selling their books. Do you have an Instagram author platform? Is it important or not to selling books? (We might touch on Snapchat this week too. Do you use it? How’s it different from Instagram? Does it do anything for marketing books?) 

Let’s chat about it, Sunday 4pm PT/ 7pm ET.

Coming March 11th… Twitter

romance writers chat march 11th social media marketing month twitterFor March 2018, we’re doing Social Media Marketing Month. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Goodreads… to name a few. We’ll be chatting about each one in the coming weeks.

Sometimes the Twitter timeline can feel like chaos, and tweeting can feel like you’re shouting into the void. While RWchat provides built-in engagement through the question and answer format, engaging on Twitter outside of the chat can be a bit trickier. Oversharing, undersharing, how much is too much? Let’s talk about engaging on Twitter outside of RWchat on Sunday, March 11th, 7pmEST/4pmPST.

Guest Post: Consent Is Key In Romance

Tamsen Parker took on the tough topic of consent in romance, as per our chat this Sunday, and she makes some great points for us to think about.

Consent has become a bigger part of the romance conversation than ever before, and it’s a conversation that is essential to have. We don’t live in the era of the bodice ripper anymore when I’d argue that women were demonstrating agency by writing stories in which they could still obtain sexual pleasure without receiving society’s censure for acting “unladylike,” or for, heaven forbid, admitting that they wanted sex. We don’t have to do that anymore. Which raises the question: what is our responsibility in regards to consent in the romances we pen?

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Coming Feb. 25th… Consent

It’s Flirty February! Join us for a whole month devoted to romance-specific chat topics.

Romance Writer chat topic February 25 Consent

The role of consent in society and romance is an ever-evolving conversation. The genre’s “bodice ripper” reputation is a throwback to when leading ladies weren’t allowed to want sex without coercion, but many authors and readers have moved on to more sex-positive narratives. This Sunday February 25th, we’ll talk about what consenting relationships look like (even if you like them rough and/or dark), as well as the past, present, and future of consent in Romance.